Worlds Best Home Search Site - For Real Estate Agents — Craft & Bauer Real Estate Co.



So at Ylopo, we started all of our technology development and focus on the consumer home search site, because if you think about it, you’ve got to win the hearts and minds of the consumer first. Everything goes downstream of that.


If you don’t have that, if you don’t have the consumer mindshare, you don’t have great leads. If you don’t have great leads, you can’t build and grow your team and double your transactions. So one of the things that I’m always lecturing my team about and they’re sick and tired of hearing about it, but I will never stop talking about it, is our goal, our mission, our objective to have the world’s greatest search site.


It kind of sounds corny, right? But that means that we’re never going to stop. We’re never going to stop investing in building what could be the world’s greatest home search site and the devil is in the details, down to literally the low time of the site and the low time of homes, which really greatly affects do consumers stay on the site.

But we’re really, really focused on mobile, the mobile home search site experience because mobile keeps eating up the market share off of desktop in terms of digital time spent. So it keeps trending up and now the latest stats are that we’re at 68 to 70 percent of all of our digital time is on mobile, not on desktop.

So we damn better make sure that our mobile search experience is the best out there. That’s really, really critical. So we’re focused on mobile. That doesn’t mean that it’s a bad search experience on desktop at all. I mean it’s a great search experience on mobile. But instead of starting desktop and going mobile, which everyone else does, start mobile and then migrate to desktop.


The other future trend that we want to talk about is getting people back to the search site. It’s one thing to get them into the search site. But how do you get them back to the search site? So if your search site can be sending out listing alerts that are dynamic, dynamically changing, not just static, not just based on the first search the consumer ever ran, because maybe that first search they ever ran wasn’t really where they’re at. Maybe they found out that they qualify for a little less, qualify for a little more.


Maybe they changed their search. Maybe they decided, “You know what? We were thinking suburbs. Now we’re thinking city center,” or “We were thinking condo. But now we’re thinking single family home.”


Consumers’ search behaviors change. Wouldn’t it be cool if it could change with them? That’s what happens with Ylopo. We’re watching it. We’re watching their search behavior. As it moves and as it transforms, our listing alerts are being modified automatically to be responsive to what the consumer really wants.

So building the world’s greatest search site, it’s about building a site that’s going to capture them. But it’s also about building an experience that’s going to keep them coming back to the Ylopo search site, which is your search site that you’re licensing from us. All of this is preventing them from ever going on to the big portals and it’s preventing them from ever going back to the big portals. They don’t want to. They don’t need to. They’re going to tell you we love the search site. It’s simple. It’s easy to use. I get all the information I want. You’ve got it.


So the Ylopo search site is something that we’re building for you, our client. You, the real estate agent. They’re going to see your brand throughout the search site. As a matter of fact, we built something really cool in the listings gallery view where after every few homes, they can actually see your brand. They can see a message from you. They can see testimonials about you. They can see a video from you. So it’s your brand very subtly throughout the search site without any clutter from any other advertisers. So really the search site is something you’re just licensing from us. But it’s your local area search site. It’s branded by you. It’s brought by you to the consumer.


Ylopo is very, very invisible to the consumer. It’s not a consumer brand. It’s really just a brand that you guys see, but not a brand that the consumers never see. They just see great homes in your area brought to them by you.

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